Monday, April 1, 2013

The Losing My Hair Haircut

I decided pulling clumps out of my hair wasn't cool and I need to lose some of the length to make the transition a little easier.  I've never really had short hair and I really didn't want to start now.  I went to my stylist Lindsey for two reasons: 1) to let her know I'm not firing her, I just won't have any hair to cut 2) because I like her and I wanted her to cut off my hair. 

I sat down in the chair and she asked what I was planning.  Well, the cat is out of the bag.  I have cancer and I'm going through chemo and my hair is falling out.  Please cut it off so I can deal with it a little easier.  She pulled out some books for me to look at, but honestly I didn't like any of them.  I didn't want to be cutting my hair.  I just told her maybe something like Halle Berry with a longer front since I feel like I have a large forehead. 

Lindsey went with it and just started cutting.  I lost a lot of hair in the shampoo bowl and when she combed it out and then while she was cutting.  Just clumps kept falling.  I reminded her if there were any large bald spots already then we would just need to buzz it off.  This is what we came up with:

I guess it will work for now.  I don't like it, but I don't really like much about what is going on in my life right now. 

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